Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kls.7 smstr.1-Kurtilas
Choose the best answer!
Teacher : Good morning everybody, (1) ...?
Student : Good morning Mom, i’m fine, thanks. And you?
Teacher : (2) ...., thanks OK, let me, call the roll, say “i’m here” if i call your name! Allright,
1. a. How are you? c. Are you sure?
b. how do you do? d. How about you?
2. a. You are welcome c. very well
b. you are all right d. That’s right, okay
3. What day is before Monday?
a. Thursday c. Saturday
b. Sunday d. Friday
Ditto : hi, i am ditto. ..............?
Hanung : my name is hanung
4. a. His name c. your name
b. here name d. my name
5. X : ........................ ?
Y : Today is Wednesday, October 17
a. What is it c. Where is it?
b. how are you ? d. What is the date today
6. What month is after april?
a. July c. Mei
b. October d. August
7. X : How are you?
Y : ……………………………….
a. how are you c. Fine thanks
b. See you d. Go away
8. Shally : well, its time for me to say good bye. I will pick my mother. See you later, grace!
Grace : .....
a. where are you going? c. don’t go away!
b. OK, see you shally! d. It is up to you!
9. 04.45 = ………………………
a. It is Four o’clock c. It is quarter past four
b. It is half past four d. It is quarter to five
10. When is Kartini’s day?
a. The first of April c. The twenty fist of april
b. the second of April d. The twenty second of april
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