Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK kelas XI Semester 1, 2014-2015

Nama :
Kelas :
Hari/Tgl :
1. X : There will be a party at my house tonight . Would you like to come?
Y : I'd love to , but I have an appointment with my colleague.
From the dialogue we know that the second speaker………….the invitation.
a. Gives b. Declines c. Takes d. Enjoys e. Loves
2. Receptionist : Can I help you?
Visitor : Yes, I’d like to make reservation. Is it possible to get two double rooms for next month.
Receptionist : of course, may I know your name n address please?
where does the dialogue take place?
a. Office b. Class c. Restaurant d. Hotel e. Hospital
3. Tony : Hi Andi, what about going to Agung's birthday party tonight?
Andi : I'm afraid I can't. I am going somewhere with Dwi.
The underlined sentence is used to……………..
a. decline an invitation c. agree to do something e. ask for an apology
b. ask for permission d. express a surprise
4. Student : …… carry these books to your room, sir?
Teacher : No, thanks. I can do it myself.
a. Do you want c. May I help you e. Do you mind
b. Shall I do d. Can you help
5. Boddy : ……… will do your best in the competition this season.
Brenda: Well, everybody expects that, and I feel certain about it anyway.
a. I believe c. It's a pity e. It's nothing
b. I don't care d. I congratulate